This is where we go after a long day of work to just have fun! It has a dance floor and a juice bar. (its not a bad dance club)
Centuars, Satyrs, and Nyphs!
These are the Centuars, Satyrs, and Nyphs of Camp Half Blood!

Activaties Directer
*walks in with Cassidy after a long day of work*
Twilight walks in and sees Riley sitting at a table. Twilight asked "Um...will you dance with me?"
[One, Riley is not there, because he hates socializing, and two, it would be really awkward if her danced with his own half-sister.]
*sits down and the juice bar and says* can i have a shrily temple?
ReplyDelete*picks up her drink and when sombody passed her, she threw it at them saying it was a accedent*
*sits down quietly and watches people dance*
ReplyDelete*laughs at the lonely Perceus and sits beside him* Wanna dance? *gets the courage to ask*
ReplyDeleteSure *brightens up and smiles*
ReplyDelete-walk on to the dance floor with Selene`
*smiles and moves closer to Perceus putting her head on his shoulder*
ReplyDelete"Thanks for being my friend Perceus"
*looks up at him with her pretty blue eyes*
i couldnt have made it all this way without you"
*smiles and looks down at her not hearing the people around them or noticing the music stop*
ReplyDeleteHaha, im glad i met you too Selene.
*leans down to kiss her and stops hearing a roar*
*gasps as a huge monster apprears*
*grabs her sword and gets ready to fight it*
*pushes Selene behind him for protection*
ReplyDelete*grabs his sword and lunges for the monster*
Get outta here! You are not wanted!
*slashed at empty air, the monster disappeared*
*blinks in confusion*
ReplyDeletey-you were gonna risk your life... you pushed me out of the way.. Why?
*asks confused*
ReplyDeletei thought you would have already figured it out!
What are you takling about? I should have figured what out..
ReplyDelete*laughs and turns away shyly*
ReplyDelete*turns back to Selene looking deep into her eyes*
Selene... i like you,... more then a friend, *blushes* I have liked you ever since we met...
but if you dont like me. thats ok *turns away*
*blinks in surprise*
ReplyDeletey-you do? Well i to have liked you for a long time *giggles* if you woulda told me earlier...
*laughs again*
ReplyDeleteI didnt know... i thought you liked Riley...
*looks at his feet embaressed*
No! Why would you get such an idea.. i only like you Perceus. *smiles warmly*
ReplyDeleteoh *smiles crookedly, embaressed*
ReplyDeletesoo... are we like.. you know *hugs her*
*looks away shyly but accepts his hug*
ReplyDeletei-i-i guess if you want to..
(i meant accepts HER hug... wow im dumb xP)
ReplyDelete(its ok no worried, lol but im confused... start voer please :P)
ReplyDelete(ok i am a bit confused too...)
ReplyDeleteare we like going out... you know?
ReplyDeleteyou dont have to be shy.. and yes i guess we are.
*grabs his hands and walks him back to the dance floor and starts to dance*
*laughs* Im not being shy!
ReplyDelete*smiles and teases*
ReplyDeletesuuuuree.. you arent *laughs and leans closer to him and lays once again her head on his shoulder*
*looks down at her and smiles*
ReplyDeleteElyia sat down in a chair close to the dance floor and watched the others dance. She felt someone behind her and turned around. Estella smiled down at her.
ReplyDelete"You ok?," she asked.
"Um...I'm good", Elyia replied.
"Well, if you need anything..." Estella walked over to a group of other demigods, leaving Elyia to swing her legs and stare at the floor.
Oh, why can't I just be happy! It doesn't matter that I don't know who my father is.
Elyia began to cry softly. In the darkness, no one noticed the young demigod with the dirty blonde hair bend her head down under the table. When Elyia had calmed down, she began to sing in a soft, but pure, voice an ancient Greek lullaby.
"Who am I?" Twilight cried at the door of the Dance Club. "Who am I if Perceus has Selene? I've always loved him. If only I had asked him to dance sooner! That would have changed it." She cried softly, thinking of her lost love one.
ReplyDelete*walk in laughing about somthing*
ReplyDelete~Jake,Brandon, abd Ryan*
*Trips all three of them and snikker*
~Eliza and cassidy*
*Laughs with Eliza and Cassidy*
*Smiles but doesn't say anything*
*looks at Twilight*
ReplyDeleteWould you like to dance?
*he got enough courage to ask*
"Sure." Twilight replied. She held his hand, and they walked onto the dance floor together. Twilight reached up and lightly touched his cheek. "You are the nicest person i've met." she laughed. "The people in my cabin are creepy, and all the other people aviod me because I'm Hades' daughter. But you don't." They danced together for a long time, and Twilight was still gazing at him. "You are different, Charon." Twilight smiled. "Very different."
ReplyDeleteCharon smiled. "Im different?" He laughed. "I didn't know, but why do people ignore you? I could care less about your father, i don't care about mine!" He laughed and looked into her eyes.
ReplyDelete"Thanks." Twilight giggled. "I-I think I've come to think something. Charon...I like you. I mean like like." Twilight blushed. "Sorry if that annoyed you..." She looked away.
ReplyDelete"Your welcome." Charon smiled and it seemed to brighten around him. "Nothing that you could do would annoy me! And i like you a lot Twilight" He smiled and put his hand under her chin to make her look at him.
ReplyDeleteTwilight giggled and blushed. She smiled and looked up at Charon. Then, she reached up, and kissed Charon on the cheek. "I like you a lot, too." She whispered.
ReplyDeleteHe smiled. "I firgured". Charon laughed and looked around. He stiffened.
ReplyDelete"What?" Twilight asked, her eyes widening.
ReplyDelete"N-nothing." Charon hid his head and tried not to look in that direction.
ReplyDelete"You know you can't fool me, Charon!" Twilight said unhappily. "What are you hiding from me?" Her gentle eyes were full of sadness. Why will he hide things? She thought disparingly. WHY WHY WHY???
ReplyDelete"Sorry, but it was just a vision of mind, nothing to worry about now." Charon said reassuringly.
ReplyDelete"Hm!" Twilight stopped dancing and stalked of the dance floor and out to her cabin.
ReplyDeleteCharon sighed. "What did I do?! I was telling the truth!" He walked to the river and sat down looking into it.
ReplyDeleteTwilight saw Charon sitting by the river. She jumped in a little away, upstream. She let the current drag her toward him. "He-ey!" She laughed. She pulled him in. "Don't EVER think that I hate you, or forget about you!" Twilight laughed.
ReplyDeleteHe smiled. "Ok, as long as you don't get mad at me! I seriously was telling the truth! Sometimes my dad sends me pictures in my head, and one i had is about a quest to the underworld, but i dont know who, or what." He rolled his eyes. "You know my dad, the god of prophecy's too.." He sighed and swam underwater and resurfaced to hear what Twilight had to say.
ReplyDelete(Why did i right Chiron?? Speling error! It was Charon who wrote that :P)